Spring Bulb Planting

This was indeed a great success and was extremely well attended by budding gardeners and the  professionals. Some might just have been there for the soup and cakes but all ‘mucked in’ Well done everyone.

Doactors Surgery

Abbey Theatre Club Presents:-
This was indeed a fun night out. The venue was full and the show was great.
Hopefully we can continue to have similar shows in the future.

Community in Action

Volunteers from Ferryden & Craig Community Council & neighbourhood hard at work this morning trimming back Beacon Terrace bushes

Flood Advice

Some very useful links for communities re flooding services:- 1)https://map.sepa.org.uk/floodmaps 2) https://scottishfloodforecast.sepa.org.uk/public… 3) https://www.sepa.org.uk/environ…/water/flooding/floodline/ 4) https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/flooding/faqs/ 5) https://www.floodlinescotland.org.uk/report-a-flood/ 6) https://www.sepa.org.uk/…/water/flooding/local-frm-plans/